terça-feira, 9 de fevereiro de 2010

The Way of Ben Kenobi !

Saudações :D trago-vos hoje um programa extremamente interessante : basicamente , o pessoal manda e-mails para o programa a falar de como a religião alterou as suas vidas e eles lêem os e-mails no programa . É bastante óbvio o que acontece por vezes , não é ? xD deixo-vos uns minutos do dito programa , bastante interessantes .

Infelizmente na primeira parte ele percebeu que era uma brincadeira . Aqui fica o e-mail todo :

Thought you all might be interested in the rest of the text he didn't read out. Here is the original email:
I am a newly born-again Christian and would like to share my story of salvation with you.

I was born in West Philadelphia and also raised there. I spent most of my days playing basketball on a playground - but also chilling out and relaxing. But then one day a couple of guys who were up to no good starting making trouble in my living area. I ended up getting into a fight, which terrified my mother. As a result she sent me away from West Philadelphia to the most peaceful area of Bel Air to live with my Auntie. On my journey to Bel Air, I whistled for a cab but it was noticable that the cab driver was not licensed. I ignored my concerns and told him to make haste to Bel Air. We arrived at the house some time between seven and eight pm and I was glad to see the back of the cab driver. I looked at the house and I was very impressed with the quality of living that my auntie possessed. I realised that I could get used to this lifestyle.

However, whatever was missing in my life when I lived in West Philadelphia was still there. I felt no happier, although everything was indicating that I should. My auntie took me to church that sunday. I hadn't been for several years. And I had a wonderful chat with so many beautfiul people. For the first time in my life I felt complete. I was finally there. To sit next to Jesus on his throne as the prince of heaven.

God Bless,

Para aqeles que não reconhecem a primeira parte (acho que o "Ben" Kenobi do segundo dispensa explicações) fica aqui a intro theme song de um programa de comédia chamado "Prince of Bel-Air" . Descobre as diferenças :P

May The Force Be With You !


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